Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907): Articles and journals, 1959-1992, undated
Scope and Contents
Dr. Chang Chuen collected materials on various subjects. The Arts & Culture file (folder 1-1) contains articles and clippings on Chinese calligraphy, paintings and seal carving. Of particular note is a number of articles written by renowned authors such as Liao Bao-xiu (廖寶秀) and Xu Lian-da (徐連達) on the arts and culture of Sui and Tang dynasties (隋唐朝). Also in folder 1-1 are some Chinese tomb rubbings.
The Autobiographies & Biographies file... (folder 1-2) contains articles on the lives of some engineers, geographers, historians, mathematicians and sinologists.
The Book Reviews file (folder 3-5) contains reviews on 《漫畫三國志》,《穀梁傳》,《續修四庫全書提要》,《中國古代書史》,《周禮》,《資治通鑑》,《中國之科學與文明》,《漢代官吏的勤務與休假》and《清代台灣方志研究》.
A significant part of the collection is constituted by materials on Chinese history. Dr. Chang Chuen is a scholar, writer and teacher in Chinese history. Folder 3-9 in the Chinese History files contains some of his writings on this subject. The rest of the folders contain articles written by other writers.
The Chinese Language & Literature file (folder 4-2) contains articles on the development of Chinese language as well as literature of ancient China, Song (宋朝) and Tang dynasties (唐朝).
Folder 4-3 in the Conferences files contains journal articles on conferences. Folders 4-4 through 5-2 contain papers and programs of conferences which Dr. Chang Chuen attended or participated. Dr. Chang Chuen’s active involvement and interest in scholarly activities is well documented in these materials.
Being an eminent scholar in Chinese history, Dr. Chang Chuen was approached by his students for guidance. The Correspondence file (folder 5-3) contains letters from his students seeking his comments on their essays.
The Geography & Travel file (folder 5-4) contains articles on China’s geography such as land use and irrigation in Tai Lake region (太湖) as well as travel writings and journal covers depicting scenic spots in China and Taiwan.
Folders 5-5 and 5-6 in the Lecture Notes files comprise Dr. Chang Chuen’s lecture notes on ancient Chinese history and historiography.
The Philosophy & Religion file (folder 5-7) primarily contains articles on Buddhism and neo-Confucianism.
- Geographic coverage
- China, Hong Kong, India and Japan
- Types of documents
- Articles, books, clippings, correspondence, journals, lecture notes and manuscripts
- 1959-1992, undated
Language of Materials
The Papers are chiefly in Chinese, only a few materials are in Arabic, English and Japanese.
From the Record Group: 5.5 Linear Feet (6 document cases)
Repository Details
Part of the HKBU Special Collections Repository
Special Collections & Archives
AML 405, L4, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library,
Hong Kong Baptist University
34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong
(852) 3411-5937