Timothy Lin Family Album
Scope and Contents
The Lin family photo album consists of black and white photographs of family and friends of Rev. Timothy Lin (林道亮), and scenes from their travels in China, including Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Macau and Shanghai. There are photographs of old street scene, parade, train stations and parks. It also documented important family activities such as group photos from weddings, tomb-sweeping and celebration outside the relatives’ shop (林園).
The album showed the history of Rev. Lin family which also included part of the history of Alliance Bible Seminary, Rev. Lin was one of the Bible teachers of the South China Alliance Bible Institute and his wife Mrs. Lin (金維君 Jin Wei-jun, Daisy) was the school nurse. There are group photos of China Alliance Bible Institute entitled:
• 1935年春季建道聖經院員生合影 (Group photo of staff and students of Alliance Bible Institute, Spring 1935),
• 建道聖經院全體員生歡送陳法言牧師師奶例假歸國紀念 (Farewell to Rev. Walter H. Oldfield on furlough, 15 March 1937) and
• 百色區宣道會全體職員 1937 (Staff of Chinese Alliance in Baise, Guangxi).
Lin’s family and the Holy Bible institute staff and students fled from Japanese invasion in Wuzhou (梧州), Guangxi. However, Rev. Lin’s wife and daughter were killed in an air raid by Japan in 1939. Their funeral, burial place and tombstone were captured in the photos.
Newspaper articles written by Mr. Carney are included in Folder 1. There are correspondence of his research, biographies of Rev. Lin and an obituary by Rev. Lin brother, Mr. Lin Daomao 林道茂, in which he depicted his brother life in detail up to 1948.
- Geographic coverage
- China
- Types of documents
- Articles, Correspondence and Photographs
- 1933-2010, undated
- Lin, Timothy Daoliang (Person)
Language of Materials
English, Chinese
Anyone using this collection must sign an Agreement to use the Timothy Lin Family Album. Photocopying of unpublished material is prohibited.
0.25 Linear Feet (2 folders)
Custodial History
The Album was accepted into the Hong Kong Baptist University Library Special Collections and Archives on 30 November 2010 on transfer from the South China Morning Post (SCMP).
Timothy Lin Family Album was obtained by Carl Maddalena in 1945 in Hong Kong from a starving man on street. Mr. Carl Maddalena was an Australian sailor deployed to Hong Kong at the end of the Second World War. After 64 years in possession of it, Mr. Maddalena decided the album should return to the man or his descendants. His relative wrote to the SCMP to start the search.
Mr. John Carney, SCMP reporter, had written several reports on the album while helping Mr. Maddalena to find the true owner. He did a thorough research with limited clues from the album and consulted historians. He started with shops and organization showed in the album, such as photo entitled “Fui Sing Athletic and Benevolent Association Football Team and Celebration of Double Ten National Day by old and new (association) officials. Year 22 of the Republic of China (1933) 魁星體育慈善會足球隊暨新舊職員慶祝雙十國慶紀念攝影民國廿二年”. Then he discovered the Lin family’s tragic story after Mr. Benson Lai Fu-Hong of the Alliance Bible Seminary in Cheung Chau identified Rev. Timothy Lin Daoliang 林道亮 (1911-2009) in the album.
“Rev. Lin settled in the United States and founded the First Chinese Baptist Church of Los Angeles in the 1960s, and was president of the China Evangelical Seminary in Taipei.” Mr. Carney wrote. Mr. Carney later contacted Rev. Lin’s son, Mr. Samuel Lin in the United States.
Mr. Maddalena was contented to know the album finally found a home in Hong Kong Baptist University Library Special Collections and Archives.
Sources used
梁家麟. (1999). 建道神學院百年史 (初版). 香港: 建道神學院.
Carney, J. (2009, November 29). Old sailor seeks end to a haunting war story. South China Morning Post.https://www.scmp.com/article/699758/old-sailor-seeks-end-haunting-war-story
Carney, J. (2009, November 30). City's old hands add hints to photos' origin. South China Morning Post. https://scmp.com/article/699855/citys-old-hands-add-hints-photos-origin
Carney, J. (2009, December 13). Album yields new secret - a family's wartime tragedy. South China Morning Post. https://scmp.com/article/701219/album-yields-new-secret-familys-wartime-tragedy
Carney, J. (2010, May 9). Descendant closes door on story of wartime tragedy. South China Morning Post.
Carney, J. (2010, November 28). Album given to sailor in 1945 finds a home. South China Morning Post.
- Lin, Timothy Daoliang (Person)
- Date
- June 24, 2021
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the HKBU Special Collections Repository
Special Collections & Archives
AML 405, L4, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library,
Hong Kong Baptist University
34 Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong
(852) 3411-5937