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Contains 116 Results:
Sociology Week Opening Ceremony 社會周研討會, 1987-03
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
Au Shue Hung Terrace Garden 區樹洪花園, 1987
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
方勵之座談會 -- 科學研究與中國民運, 1988-09-07
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
Au Shue Hung Centre for Film and Television 區樹洪影視教育中心, 1989
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
Homecoming Dinner (celebrating HKBC 35th Anniversary) 千人宴 (創校35周年), 1991-03-10
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
三十五周年校慶開放周公開論壇:九十年代大專生的角色, 1991
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
International Conference Workshop in Pre-school Education: A Change Towards the 21st Century, 1993-03-20 - 1993-03-23
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
歡迎加拿大卑斯省省督林思齊先生蒞臨訪問, 1993-07-23
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
Donation by Dr. Fong Yun Wah, 1993-07-27
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.
Conference on Children's Rights in Hong Kong 香港兒童權利會議, 1993-11-06
The slides document aspects of university life, including events on campus such as commencements and conferences, portraits of faculty, students, and visitors, as well as buildings on campuses.