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Biographies of Southern Baptist missionaries to China v.1 來華傳道之美南差會傳教士傳記 , 1935-1981, undated

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 8

Scope and Contents

Index to Missionary Heroes
Baptist Press (Hong Kong) File

Name #
Abernathy, Jewel69
Abernathy, John69
Adams, Floy White63
Alexander, Mary66
Anderson, Park Harris84
Ayers, Sanford Emmett77
Ayers, Thomas Wilburn76
Bausum, Euva Majors67
Bausum, Robert67
Beddoe, Robert70
Beddoe, Louella70
Belote, James D.75
Blackman, Glays Yates60
Blackman, Lonnie Elwood60
Bostick, Nell Lawrence66
Bradley, Blanche68
Britton, Nannie J.80
Bryan, David65
Bryan, Francis Allison62
Bryan, Mamie Sallee59
Bryan, Nelson Augustus62
Caldwell, Pearl Pauline68
Cauthen, Baker James90
Chambers, Christine Coffee65
Chambers, Robert.21
Coleman, Inabelle Graves83
Comely, Frank82
Connely, Mary Sears82
Cowherd, Charles Philip85
Cowherd, Marian Peeler Gray85
Cox, Addle Estelle74
Crawford, Mary C.67
Crawford, T. P.46-51
Culpepper, Charles44
Dawes, Joseph V.82
Dodson, Flora28, 74
Evans, Mary Levering62
Evans, Philip Saffery62
Fielder, John Wilson69
Franks, Martha53
Gallimore, Arthur R.79
Gallimore, Gladys S.79
Galloway, John L.38
Galloway, Lillian Todd39
Gaston, Annie Bunn58
Gillespie, Arthur S.81
Glass, Jessie Pettigrew57
Glass, Wiley Blount57
Graves, R. H.26
Greene, G. W.23
Hamlett, Lottie69
Harris, Florence P.70
Harris, Henson Mason70
Hartwell, Anna B.66
Hartwell, J. B.12
Hayes, Alice J.79
Herring, J. Alex65
Herring, Nan65
Hill, Eugene89
Hipps, John B.58
Hipps, Margaret Stroh58
Holmes, J. L.88
Hopewell, Gladys63
Huey, Mary A.36
Jackson, John Edward84
Jacob, Robert A.80
Johnson, Kate C.84
Jones, Florence79
Jowers, Sherman Clyde86
Knight, Doris Lynn83
Koon, Victor82
Lake, John24, 64
Lake, Carrie Bostick64
Lanneau, Sophie56
Larson, Edith70
Larson, Ivan70
Lawton, Ida D.80
Lawton, Olive53
Lea, Ola67,80
League, Attie Bostick66
Leonard, Charles74
Leonard, Evelyn C.74
Lide, Florence54,63
Lide, Francis Pugh63
Lide, Jane63
Lowe, Clifford J56
Marlowe, Rose65,85
Marriott, Cora Bums78
McCullough, Helen78
McDaniel, Charles G.78
McDaniel, Nannie Bartlett 78
McMillan, Leila Memory84
Mewshaw, Dell Spencer57
Mewshaw. Robert E.L.57
Moon, Lottie14
Morgan, Edgar L.72
Napier, Augustus59
Napier, Lois D.59
Newton, Mary L. Woodcock78
Parker, Earl60
Parker, Sarah Gayle60
Pettigrew, Ruth31
Pierce, Ethel71
Pierce, Nellie Miner70,71
Rankin, Grace T. Elliott84
Rankin, M. Theron71
Rankin, Manly Whitfield84
Rankin, Valerie Greene71
Ray, Bonnie Jean83
Ray, Janet Gilman67
Ray, Rex67
Rea, Elizabeth A.36
Ricketson, Robert F63
Riddell, Olive85
Roberts, I J.6
Sallee, Hannah Fair61
Sandlin, Annie M.83
Saunders, Joel Roscoe61
Sears, Grace36
Shuck, Henrietta1
Shuck, J. Lewis1
Shumate, Margie37,83
Simmons, E. Z.19
Smith, Lucy Elizabeth86
Stalling, Hattie Ann36
Stephens, Irene Carter72
Stephens, Mary81
Stewart, Reba80
Storm, Ida Patterson72
Strother, Greene W.86
Strother, Martha Krause86
Tatum. Elizabeth H.80
Teal, Edna E.59
Thomason, Lillian83
Tipton, Mary B.81
Todd, Pearl69
Trainham, Annie G.37
Walker, Blanche Rose68
Wallace, William L.73
Ware James H.52,58
Ware, Mary Bibb Long58
Watson, Lila83,87
Westbrook, Charles Hart 62
Williams, James T.79
Williams, Laurie Smith79
Woodward, Mable Willems 72
Yates, Matthew T.9,21
Yocum, Alfred Wolfe62


  • 1935-1981, undated

Language of Materials

From the Record Group:

English, Chinese


From the Record Group: 1 Linear Feet (1 carton box)


Repository Details

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